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Revista de Filología Románica Nº 19

Nombre de la Revista: Revista de Filología Románica
Número de Sumario: 19
Fecha de Publicación: 2002


Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Volumen 19   (2002)         Más información / TEXTO COMPLETO


Sumario analítico

13.  Presentación
15.  Las fronteras de la lengua vasca a lo largo de la historia  
Palabras Clave: Spanish-Basque, French-Basque linguistic boundary, bilingual zone, romance monolingual zone.
Based on more or less reliable evidence, such as toponymy, the Basque language is supposed to have once been present in an area greater than its current territory, moving eastwards (until the Indo-European invasions) and westwards (until the arrival of the Romans). In the peninsular area, Basque was pushed back first by Latin and then by Spanish, and only did it regain part of its lost ground during the Reconquest of Spain, when the Basque-speaking population occupied lands in Northern Burgos and La Rioja. In the continental area, Basque has held its steady boundaries for the last 500 years. Nowadays, the situation has changed substantially: it seems there is no stopping the regression of Basque in the French zone. Whereas, the regression has stopped, or at least decreased, in the Basque Autonomous Community due to the so-called policy of linguistic normalization. 


37.  Multilingüismo en el teatro vasco  
Palabras Clave: Littérature basque, théâtre basque, multilinguisme.
Dans cet article l’ auteur critique le cliché habituel concernant la littérature basque: son isolement. Il considère que dans le monde occidental il n’ existe aucune littérature nationale qui soit isolée et présente des interférences linguistiques qui se produisent dans le théâtre populaire (farces, mascarades, pastorales ...) où diferentes langues sont utilisés en plus du basque —le latin, l’ espagnol, le français, le bearnais et dernièrement l’ anglais—, en fonction du contexte où interviennent les personnages. 


45.  Lengua árabe y lenguas románicas  
Palabras Clave: Contactos lingüísticos. Lengua árabe. Lenguas románicas. Arabismos.
On constate l’ existence des relations entre la langue arabe et les langues romanes, depuis le Moyen Âge, avec divers épisodes saillants, inclus dans le cadre des contacts linguistiques. Nous abordons maintenant la situation du latin dans al- Andalus et les emprunts de l’arabe dans les langues de la Peninsule Ibérique, adquis dans certains circonstances socio-culturelles, surtout en ce qui concerne le lexique, y compris la toponimie et l’ anthroponomie. 


55.  Relaciones lingüísticas entre el sardo y el italiano  
Palabras Clave: Italiano. Sardo. Lenguas en contacto. Italianización.
In this study the situation of the sardinian language throught history is examined, as well as its relationship with italian. Attention is paid to the three periods of the italianization, wich begins with the pisan and genovese influences (centuries XI to XIX), being followed by the stage of the House of Savoy and by the situation going from year 1861, date of the National Unification, until the present time, in which there is a linguistic living together but with a level-dependent differentiation of use. 


65.  Las fronetras románicas en la geografía de los Balcanes: el Danubio como frontera  
Palabras Clave: Balcanes, frontera románica, rumano, búlgaro.
The borders of Romance and Slavonic worlds in the Balkan Peninsula’s linguistic domains lie by the west between Friulan and Venet, on the one hand, and Slovene —as well as Croatian in Istria and Dalmatia— on the other, and by the east between Rumanian and Bulgarian and, in smaller measure, Serbian (by the south), and Ukrainian (by the north). In this paper we shall focus on the border marked out by river Danube between Rumanity and Bulgarity. Due to historical and cultural reasons (common belonging to Orthodoxy, to the Ottoman Empire, to the Soviet Block...) and to strictly linguistic reasons (adscription to the central core of the socalled Balkan Linguistic Union), which are reflected in every language layer, as we shall try to illustrate at length, Rumanian and Bulgarian fill a peculiar place in their respective languages families, which is parallel to each other, despite their respective undeniable Romanity and Slavonicity. Such a relationship between these two languages we try and define as specularitas or ‘mirrorness’. 


77.  Los principados rumanos bajo el imperio turco: aspectos lingüísticos y literarios   
Palabras Clave: Lenguas en contacto, turco, rumano.
Ce que nous essayons d’offrir dans ces lignes c’est une panoramique générale de l’influence linguistique (lexique urbain, gastronomique...) et littéraire de l’Empire Ottomane dans les Principautés Roumaines. 1) Au niveau linguistique il faut souligner quelques expressions (fréquemment bimembres: bigi-bigi, ceac-pac...) avec une particulaire sonorité phonétique et syntactique. Il y a d’autres expressions typiques de ce qu’on connaît comme des actes de langue (ches, ioc, haram...). L’influence de la langue turque n’a pas été celle d’une langue imposée. La raison il faut la chercher dans les voyages et les relations commerciales qui se produisent entre Constantinople et les Principautés Roumaines, quoique cette influence est pratiquement nulle dans le domaine culte de la langue. 2) En ce qui concerne la littérature on peut aussi parler de l’influence populaire (des légendes, des fables...) qui apparaît dans les oeuvres d’écrivains tels qu’Anton Pann, avec le personnage du pícaro balkanique, ou Emanoil Bucut_a et ses romans de frontière. 


93.  La interconexión entre Castilla, Galicia y Portugal en la confección de las crónicas medievales y en la transmisión de textos literarios  
Palabras Clave: Literatura medieval hispánica. Literatura castellana. Literatura gallega. Literatura portuguesa.
There is a wide interconnexion in the process of composition and transmission of texts between Castile, Galicia and Portugal in the Middle Ages. In this essay I analyse some cases of this close relationship between Castile and the western part of the Iberian Peninsula, and present a range of examples of the complex construction and evolution of quite a good number of texts, both historical (Chronicle of Alfonse X, Chronicle of Castile, Galician translation, Chronicle of 1344 —Portuguese and Spanish—, Chronicle of 1404, Chronicle of the Moor Rasis) and literary (Trojan Chronicle, The Holy Grail, Merlin, The Book of Tristram). I compare the different texts and try to emphasize the essential importance of many cases of the texts elaborated in the West of the Iberian Peninsula. 


125.  La expansión del portugués en Oriente en el siglo XVI y la documentación jesuítica  
Palabras Clave: Sixteenth Portuguese Linguistics and Literature. Portuguese in Orient Sixteenth Century. Jesuits documents.
This essay is the result of the study of c. 2000 pages, a small part of the writings of the Jesuits who worked in the portuguese domains in the far East, starting from 1542. Our text reveals the great importance of the Society of Jesus’s missions in the expansion of the portuguese language in those lands. Furthermore, the investigation of this documentation allows us to analyze specific features of the portuguese language in the mid 16th century. Some archaisms were preserved and certain innovations took place, not allways reflected by the writers of those days. From the point of view of the lexicon, this essay highlights the abundance of words that have cult or oriental origin. In appendix we offer a list of almost two hundred words that we consider, with the necessary caution, to be registrered for the first time in Portuguese. 


161.  Para uma poética do conto brasileiro  
Palabras Clave: Poetics. Brazilian Short Story.
In this article the author intends to offer to the reader one more possibility of reading and interpretation of the terms poetics and short story, since the semantic load of these terms has suffered deep variations in the 20th century. Regarding Poetics, the author comments on the use and abuse of the term, mainly in academic circles. He shows the etymological relationship of poetics and poetry and the poem, and emphasises Rhetoric; and the different significance that the term is taking at the present time, becoming synonymous with a simple «study»; and people frequently refer to a «poetics of the author», or «of a time, or «of the metaphor», and even «the poetics of the poetry» and «the poetics of poetics». This is the way to reach the title «poetics of the short story», meaning a personal vision on the subject, nevertheless a vision considered «scientific». For the author, the short story must be studied under two perspectives: the oral and the written, and each one must have its special theoretical corpus. It is not possible to separate the genre problem, and those of the relation of short story and poetry, and that of short story and the chronicle. Later, he treats of the emergence of the short story in Brazil, and, as historian, he shows how both critics and short story writers see it as a literary form. Finally, he proposes a classification of the phases of the history of the short story in Brazil, suggesting a formation period (until the 18th century), another of transformation (19th century) and another of confirmation (20th century). As an appendix, the author presents a small bibliography on the oral short story, on the written short story, and on the Brazilian short story in general. 


183.  Lengua portuguesa, alma africana: el caso de Mia Couto  
Palabras Clave: Mia Couto, African Literature, Lusophone Literatures.
This article shows one of the most important aspects of the mozambicam writer Mia Couto: the fusion of the cultural and linguistic portuguese element with the african one. His literature is a mix between portuguese language and specific terms used by different mozambican people around the country; Mia Couto knows, in his novels, how to achieve a wise mix between african essence and his Portuguese roots. 


193.  El plurilingüísmo de las letras catalanas  
Palabras Clave: Littérature catalane médievale, Historiographie catalane, Humanisme, Raymond Lull, Romans de chevalerie catalane.
Dès la perspective des études sur la conscience linguistique, on a suivi les occasions où les textes littéraires catalans offraient situations de plusieurs langues. On a parti de son riche Moyen Âge, regardant avec spécial intéret les situations où le fait de s’exprimer en différentes langues était normalisé (langue franche méditerranéenne...); par exemple, dans les chroniques. Puis, à grands traits, on a fait la suite dans les lettres modernes. Comme conclusions, on peut voir que la littérature catalane aujourd’hui joue pleinement dans le concert des lettres occidentales, mais que, en se remettant à son étape médiévale, se détache singulierment en deux moments, au siécle XIV: à cause de Raymond Llull et son attitude de dialogue culturel et de promotion des etudes des langues; et aussi avec Bernat Metge parce qu’il a utilise le dialogue comme genre littéraire dans la plus exigente dimension humaniste, conçue comme mentalité et comme langage littéraire. 


213.  Josep-Sebastiá Pons (1886-1962): un poeta del Rosellón en lengua catalana  
Palabras Clave: Josep-Sebastiá Pons. Littérature occitane contemporaine. Littérature catalane contemporaine.
Cette communication a pour objet la présentation et la lecture d’une partie de l’oeuvre poétique de Josep-Sebastiá Pons. Ce poète roussillonais, écrivain en langue catalane, a vécu en même temps la Renaissance occitane et la Renaixença catalane qui ont eu lieu depuis la seconde moitié du XIXème siècle. À partir de la lecture de Cantilena (1937) en entier et d’une sélection de poèmes appartenant à huit recueils de poésie, nous présentons trois aspects sous lesquels il nous a semblé intéressant d’analyser l’écriture de Josep-Sebastiá Pons: langue poétique; géographie et chronologie intimes et itinéraire d’amour et d’absence. Les conclusions de notre étude visent aux idées suivantes: L’identité des langues dans des territoires administrativement différents, atténue plus ou moins le sentiment frontière des peuples. L’élaboration d’une langue littéraire, capable d’exprimer un univers poétique tout en partant d’une langue en situation de régression en ce qui concerne l’écrit. Les études realices para les linguistes autour des frontières des langues en tout temps, concluent que celles-ci s’ouvrent un chemin à travers les routes du commerce et de l’échange humain, les obstacles naturels et administratifs ayant laissé depuis longtemps d’être une barrière pour l’inter-relation et pour l’expansion linguistique. 


249.  Los últimos poetas hebreos de Sefarad: poesía hebrea en el mundo románico  
Palabras Clave: Hebrew poetry in the Hispanic Kingdoms, Medieval Hebrew poetry in Spain.
During the two decades of renaissance elapsed between the bloody events of 1391 and the year 1414, in which the Dispute of Tortosa concluded, a completely new phenomenon took place in the history of the Hebrew poetry in the Hispanic Kingdoms: A group of poets congregated in the Crown of Aragon that, in words of E. Fleischer, felt «linked by a kind of a friends’ pact... and considered themselves as representatives of Hebrew poetry in Spain at the moment». They are the poets of the Circle of Zaragoza, and the same as the poets of their milieu who wrote in Romance languages, they interchanged letters in form of poems and participated in contests and disputes. The master and unquestionable leader of this group was Solomon de Piera. The study of some aspects of the work of these poets, sometimes still unpublished, allows us to conclude that they were probably influenced by the surrounding atmosphere. Romance languages were their languages; they knew the poetry of their contemporaries; they used images that could have originated in the poetic competitions of the time... There is still a lot of work to do, and it is an arduous task to determine the Romance influence in their poetry. They preferred to adhere to their past more than to be influenced by the environment. Why should they innovate? They wrote their poems in the language in which God created the world; their inspiration came from the Bible; their legacy was that of the authors of Al-Andalus... It is time of giving them back their voice and to study their work in the frame of the Romance and non Romance literatures of the Hispanic Kingdoms. 


269.  La forntera interior  
Palabras Clave: Michel del Castillo. La noche del edicto. Littérature contemporainne interculturelle.
Dans cet article on fait une présentation du récit autobiographique de Michel del Castillo La noche del edicto et de la frontière intérieure que l´auteur nous montre dans ce roman. On vise le problème de la frontière intérieure du point de vue mythique, historique et ontologique dans la littérature européenne et on analyse les motifs des divers auteurs: Kundera, Chateaubriand, etc. 


291.  El mesianismo polaco como respuesta al problema de la identidad nacional en la Polonia del siglo XIX  
Palabras Clave: Polish litterature. Polish Romanticism.
The Polish Romanticism has a deep foundation mystic that takes it to the apology of the sacrifice like redemption in front of the historical reality and that it ends in the mesianism. This belief took the environment of the historical reality the consequences of the death and Christ’s resurrection, as well as of the metaphysical act of the humanity’s redemption by means of its sacrifice. In the history of Poland he repeats the same symbolic biography: the innocent victim, the martyrdom, the death and the redemption. Christ in the cross is the analogy of a Poland murdered by the allotments. Their martyrdom is the successive risings, frustated and full with victims. To this it owes himself the sacral and the cult romantic Pole to the suffering and the martydrom. The sacrifice didn’t only guarantee the redemption but it also confirmed the fact that the Polis nation is the elect to redeem to the rst of the nations. 


301.  Witold Gombrowicz: el problema de la identidad de un escritor polaco en el exilio  
Palabras Clave: Polish literature; Gombrowicz
The work of Gombrowicz constitutes an universal literary patrimony, however it would be inconceivable not to associate it to the tradition literary Pole, and from this Transatlantic point of view it is a dialectical bereavement with the tradition of Mickiewicz and Sienkiewicz of the Polish literature. Another work of Gombrowicz, the work Operetta, mentions visibly and in a critical way to other works literary previous Poles as the consecrated works of Krasin´ski The Nodivine Comedy and The wedding of the modernist Wyspian´ski. In their Notes that are the writer´s intimate notes in smaller measure, and that rahter they constitute a long rehersasla on the culture and the civilization in general, Gombrowicz in a particularly wide way, treats the topic of the homelan, of how a Pole perceives it, of the national defects ant the cultural myths that stigmatize to the Polish town. 


309.  Józef Lobodowski: un poeta polaco exiliado en España  
BAK, Grzegorz
Palabras Clave: Lodowski; Literatura polaca; Exilio polaco
The short biography of Józef L_ odowski. L_ obodowski in Spain: his life and works. Spanish themes in his poetry. L_ obodowski poetry as a «bridge» between Caucasus and Iberian Peninsula. The importance of the exiled writer for Slavonic Philology in Spain and Hispanic Philology in Poland. 


315.  Murallas en pórticos: Josep Carner et alii  
325.  Sobre el funcionamiento de como en español  
Palabras Clave: Grammaire espagnole; La forme ‘como’ espagnole
Dans cet article on a la présentation du fonctionnement des différentes distributions et des sens contextuels de la forme adverbiale espagnole . On suit alors l’analyse de ses fonctions: relative, interrogative, comparative, temporelle, causale et conditionnelle et son rôle dans des syntagmes nominaux ou groupes syntagmatiques et dans quelques cas de répétition emphatique. 


341.  Origen y evolución del neutro lo como marca de atributo  
Palabras Clave: Atributo; Predicativo; Pronombre neutro, lo
In modern Spanish, lo is a neuter form used as a substitute for the subjective complement after ser, estar and parecer, to avoid the repetition of a noun, adjective or adverb. Although in modern Spanish has become completely unusual, in old Spanish lo was sometimes used as a substitute for the subjective complement after pseudo-copulative verbs, specially after andar. The origin of this use seems to be in the latin utilization —in the beginning only sporadically— of neuter pronoun hoc to refer an elided subject complement, specially in cases in which the absence of that ponoun could lead to ambiguity about which element should be understood as elliptical: subject or subjective complement. 


355.  A ficção brasileira hoje: os caminhos da cidade  
Palabras Clave: Roman brasilien contemporain; Littérature urbaine
O artigo tenta fazer um breve mapeamento de alguns dos temas predominantes na ficção brasileira atual, que se consolidaram ao longo das duas últimas décadas. Tais temas são sobretudo urbanos, o que aponta para o enfraquecimento da clássica dicotomia ficção urbana/ficção regional, que sempre esteve presente desde o período de formação da literatura brasileira, provavelmente como decorrência da industrialização do país, a partir da década de 60 . 
Cet article présente un bref panorama de quelques uns des thèmes prédominants de la fiction brasillienne actuelle, qui se sont consolidés dans les dérnières dizaines d’années. Ces thèmes sont surtout urbains, ce qui indique l’affaiblissement de la classique dicothomie fiction urbaine / fiction régionale, qui a été toujours présente dès le période de formation de la littérature brasillienne, peut-être comme une conséquence de l’industrialisation du pays, à partir des années ‘60.


371.  La modorra leve de las Clarisas (El cielo primero del Paradiso a través de sus símiles) 
Palabras Clave: Dante; Paradiso; Littérature italienne
L’investigation qu’on présente dans cet article envisage l’étude des «similes », dans Le Paradis de Dante, spécialement les similes du ciel qui servent à illustrer le discours sur la volonté et le vot. L’importance des similes dans l’ensemble de l’épisode étudié ne résulte pas excessive et l’analyse qu’on propose va nous aider décissivement à trouver l’authentique signification de ce que Dante voit dans ce ciel. 


397.  Reseñas  

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