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Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua. Nº 19

Nombre de la Revista: Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua.
Número de Sumario: 19
Fecha de Publicación: 2001

GERION. Revista de  Historia Antigua

Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Vol. 19  (2001)

Más información / TEXTO COMPLETO

Artículos desarrollados fundamentalmente en castellano y el resumen/abstract en inglés


7.  Sumario   67 KB 

Conflictividad genérica y fuentes orales para la historia antigua   146 KB     
Only the permanent conscience, in women and men, of the negative discrimination (past and present) it can justify and to impel, for the sake of the equality, the woman's absolutely indispensable positive discrimination in the daily life, in the politics... and in the historiography. The remains of the ancient orality, the oral sources, with the peculiarities and limits from their applicability to the Ancient History, promote that conscience: they allow to think the forms in that it produced, it reproduced and it expresed a generic conflict, mainly characterized for the woman's oppression-exploitation, on one hand, and the desperate intents of legitimation-justification of the patriarchal domination, for another.
Los hititas en Anatolia septentrional durante la primera mitad del s. XIII a.C. (II). La organización político-administrativa de una región conflictiva del reino de Hatti   201 KB     
Hattusili III, Great King of Hatti in the middle of the thirteenth century B.C., took an active part in the Hittite imperial organization. In particular, this monarch attempted to organize a complex and sophisticated system of territorial administration of the frontiers. In the Hittite-Gasgean border area, for example, regional control became of vital interest. The characteristic features of the peripheral policy towards the Gasgean population groups in the northern zone of Hatti may be illustrated by two hittite documents: a text on the reorganization of cults (KBo XII 53+KUB XLVIII 105) and a royal edict (KUB XXI 29+duplics.). Hattusili III tried to maintain his political authority over this widely extended limes by means of an administrative and military framework. In general, the hittite king achieved a long period of imperial stability before the destruction of the Hatti Kingdom.
La Odisea desde la Egiptología   196 KB    
GALÁN, José M.
The author's aim is to show how the Classical sources, as in this case the Odyssey, can shine even brighter if they are read from a Near Eastern perspective. Cultures, artists and craftsmen are not isolated phenomena in time and space, and for that matter it is sound to approach the Classic culture and authors from previous times and from near by places with which they themselves or their predecessors maintained contacts. In this paper the author brings together some topics from the Odyssey and their counterparts in ancient Egyptian sources.
Sobre anomalías e interpretación de los objetos orientalizantes en la Meseta   92 KB     
This notes are intending to take one step further in the study of the Ideas which has been used in order to interpret orientalizing Artifacts found in the Middle Tajo Valley. This has been done by using homeric verses and a different perspective of the relations between Phoenician colonies and natives, in which the Ramdom Processes created by conflicts are of dialectical nature.
Karthalo... ornatusque purpura et infulis sacerdotii   79 KB    
La obra de Justino es fundamental para la comprensión de la historia de Cartago. Su relectura, nos lleva a nuestras reflexiones acerca del excursus púnico del epítome justiniano. Es el caso de Justino XVIII, 7, 1-5, la crucifixión de Cartalone, sacerdote de Melqart, por su parte el general Malco. El texto esconde un rol institucional, reflejado en los antropónimos, que lleva al contraste entre palaciotemplo. Este dualismo, presente en los orígenes de Cartago, es una constante a lo largo de su historia, como sucede en época barquida con el ‘m, la asamblea del pueblo, como síntesis de esta dualidad.
El proceso de sinecismo del Ática: cultos, mitos y rituales en la «primera polis» de Atenas   322 KB   
The synoykismos of Attica, which has been submitted to a long discussion in the past years, may be better understood if it is considered as a long process, situated at the end of the dark ages and the beginning of the archaic period, in the moment of the emergence of the polis. In this perspective, archaic myths, legends and festivals, always constrasted with the archaeological sources, can help to illuminate this process in which we have delineated two significant moments associated to two festivals of the city, the Panathenaia and the Synoikia.
Prolegomena zur Erforschung der Bedeutung der Eliteeinheiten im archaischen und klassischen Griechenland   115 KB  
ALONSO, Víctor | FREITAG, Klaus
Warfare in ancient Greece has been analysed in various different aspects, but no general treatment of elite corps in the citizen armies can be found in the modern research. This paper is a contribution to the study of theses selected troops in the archaic and classical periods. Sources and examples are discussed, and some possible future lines of research are proposed.
La religión en el emporion   319 KB   
This paper deals with the religious aspect present in the emporion, seen as one of its main elements. In order to better evaluate the role played by the religious element, a first step is to reconsider the evidence of the Homeric Poems as a means to show how religion impregnated all the aspects of the relationships between individuals and societies put into contact. Afterwards, the paper analyses the main evidence for religion in those places visited and frequented by Greeks from the 8th century B. C. onwards. In the last place, a change in Classic times is suggested, when a more economic aspect seems to substitute the religious aspect of the emporion present in the archaic age.
El sacrificio de la mujer viuda en el mundo indoeuropeo   192 KB     
The widow in the Roman World: Religious restriction affecting the re-married woman (bis nuptae). In the indoeuropean prehistory, widows were required to follow the same fate than their husbands, right after the husbands’ death. This paper analyzes this practice in different cultures of indoeuropean background, with special attention to the Greek mythological stories, and the sati or suttee ceremonies among the Hindues. The ideologies on whinch this practices are based will be reviewed.
El plano irracional externo en Tucídides: τύχη, παράλογος, άvέλπιστος, άστάθυμητος, α   130 KB   
In Thucydides’ work the most important cause in historic events in human nature фύσις άνΘρώπεια, enclosing both a rational and a irrational side. Beside this фύσις we have another irrational factor, external instead of internal, designated by lexical items such as τύχη, παράλογος, άvέλπιστος, άστάθυμητος, αίфνίδιος,απροσδόκητος. The aim of this work is to study these lexical items in order to determine exactly how Thucydides undestands this irrational external factor, whether Man can subject it to reason, and its relation with traditional go
El espacio geopolítico gaditano en época púnica. Revisión y puesta al día del concepto de «Círculo del Estrecho»   175 KB     
The main purpose of the present paper is to define, culturally and spatially, the underlying concept under the expression «Circle of the Straight». This term, very successful since it was coined by Tarradell in the sixties, has been used by researchers to refer to the area of economic and political influence of Gadir following the fall of Tiro. However, its characteristics have been hardly specified with accuracy, its genesis has not been clerified and it has never been linked to the rest of the Mediterranean cultural areas at that time, in the interest of achieving a more exact explanation of the political events of the period. Our aim is to outline the process that led to the formation of this geopolitical reality, wich always kept a marked Phoenician-oriental character. Secondly, we would like to specify those elements reflecting the economical activities of this zone —fishing products transformation and marketing on a large scale— which we believe delimit to a great extent the area we must include in our study and which constitute the factors that coordinate the territory politically and administratively. Lasty, through the analysis of these realities we will explain the political evolution followed by Gadir in the course of the Second Punic War.
Mito, historia y propaganda política: La carta de Espeusipo a Filipo II de Macedonia   202 KB  
PINA POLO, Francisco | PANZRAM, Sabine
Der Aufstieg Makedoniens von einem kaum beachteten Randstaat der griechischen Poliswelt zur Hegemonialmacht Greichenlands in der Mitte des 4. Jahrhunderts provozierte in Athen heftige Auseinandersetzungen über die Rolle Philips II. In diesem Kontext ist der Brief des Platon-Nachfolgers Speusipp zu sehen, den er im Jahre 343/342 v. Chr. an Philipp schreibt. Das Haupt der Akademie argumentiert mit Hilfe von Beispielen aus der Mythologie, um die Handlungsweise des Königs zu legitimieren; dies sowohl in bezug auf seine territoriale Expansion in Griechenland wie auch sein Verhalten gegenüber der Amphiktyonie von Delphi. Der in Athen öffentlich verlesene. Brief wandte sich aber auch an Isokrates, denn er ist als Antwort auf dessen, Philipp’ konzipiert. In seinem Bestreben, diesen Redner bei Philipp zu diskreditieren und in der Öffentlichkeit bloßzustellen, dokumentiert er also insbesondere die heftige Polemik zwischen den Anhängern des Isokrates und einer makedonenfreundlich gesinnten Akademie.
La trama hispana de la Primera Conjuración de Catilina   565 KB   
Though there are not many references about the political facts that occurred in Hispania along the I century B. C., it must be ramarked the little and careless attention paid to the First Catilinarian Conspiracy of 66 and 64 by the Spanish scholars. Because of the importance that those events have particularly in the Hispanian history and consequently, in the Roman Republican history, the aim of this paper is to revise this question.
Sinoicismo y stolati en Emerita, Caesaraugusta y Pax: Una relectura de Estrabón III, 2, 15   433 KB     
CANTO, Alicia M.ª
Once again, this work calls into question some of the more traditional translations which have been largely accepted by historians and archaeologists alike, but have led to errors. The text I'm examining now, Estrabon III, 2, 15, is one of the best known and most quoted in all Spanish Ancient History. The seven changes now put forward allow for many new points of view. The generally accepted word «togátoi» (from Kramer, 1844) should most definitely be rejected in this paragraph and also in III, 4, 20. The natives described are really «stolátoi», but not all their tribes however; only the ones chosen for sinoikismus. In fact, throughout this paragraph, Estrabon is praising the Latinisation of these territories, and not their romanisation. For Estrabon the three cities mentioned (Caesaraugusta, Eme- rita and Paxaugusta) are póleis or katoikíai, but not apoikíai; therefore they cannot be coloniae ex novo, but pre existing municipia, mixed and with strong military contingents. The dates believed for their possible colonisation conflict with those suggested by Augustus in his Res Gestae: the years 30, 14 o 7-2 B.C. Finally, a possible explanation for the physical appearance of these stolátoi, possibly cives Latini: the statues and bas-reliefs of men dressed in the so-called pallium or toga exigua, until now, in Spain as in Italy and Rome, classified as palliati.
L'Apocolocyntosis come Opera Storica   123 KB    
The work first focuses the attention on the historical sources that deal with the Apocolocyntosis (Juvenal and Cassius Dio in particular) and tries to show the significance of the irony of this enigmatic title. Then the second part presents an analysis of several passages of the Apocolocyntosis and their parallels in some historical authors of the second and third centuries.
Algunas consideraciones arqueológicas sobre la vivienda doméstica en Pompeya   116 KB     
FUNARI, Pedro Paulo A.
Pompeian dwelling have been studied for a long time. However, most approaches are grounded on common sense and the acritical acceptance of data found in the literary sources. This paper aims at discussing in a critical way some recent and widely accepted studies on the subject of both Pompeian dwellings and the Roman society in general. We focus on the analytical tools archaeology can provide for a better understanding of ancient life.
A Morte de Petrônio na Narrativa Tacitiana   89 KB    
GONÇALVES, Claudiomar R.
Este artigo pretende anahsar a construção narrativa elaborada por Tácito, nos Annales, objetivando o estudo detalhado de elementos que possibihtem a possível identificação do personagem tacitiano, Petronio Artbiter Elegantiae, com o autor da obra conhecida como Satyricon.
Inscription d'un soldat originaire de Clunia découverte à Novae (Mésie Inférieure)   105 KB      
Durante las excavaciones llevadas a cabo por la Universidad de Varsovia en Novae, en el campamento de la legión I Italica, ha sido hallada la estela funeraria de C(aius) Aurelius [.] f(ilius) G[a]leria (tribu) Vegetus, originario de Clunia. Primero sirvió en la cohors V Ast(urum), y después fue enviado a la legión I Italica. Posiblemente fue soldado durante el gran reclutamiento de Galba; sin embargo es mas probable la hipótesis de que hubiese comenzado el servicio militar ya con anterioridad siendo transferido a la legión I Italica después del «año de los cuatro emperadores».
Cassio Dione e le guerre civili di età severiana   178 KB    
SCHETTINO, María Teresa
This paper focuses on some features of Dio's narrative of the civil wars in the Severian age, namely the references to the Republican personalities, first of all Sulla. This analysis leads to a reflection on the genesis of Dio's History and the date of its composition
El culto a Mitra en la época de Caracalla   103 KB     
The ancient tradition has established that the severan age existed an anormous develoment of Mitras`s cult in the imperial court. However we cant state that with regard to the present documentation, Mitras was a simply god among others in Emperor Caracalla`s preferences.
Obispos y mártires palestinos: el caso de Gaza (s. IV)   187 KB     
One of the cities less representative of the Christianity in Palestine —and in addition of all the Oriens Diocese— was Gaza, among other reasons because pagan cults lasted there —long and strongly but with little social and political resistance—. Pagans' sanctuaries were still open at the beginning of 5th century AD and most of its population perceived themselves as pagans well in the second half of the same century. Gaza's Bishops had to accept and deal with this circumstance. This paper tries to emphasize the peculiarities of this Polis —Gaza— and its «chora, » in this matter, going deep in the role played by its Bishops and its Holy Native Martyrs in the context of the Palestinian Christianity expansion during the 4th century AD and the beginnings of 5th.
La Academia de Atenas como foco de formación humanística para paganos y cristianos. Los casos de Juliano, Basilio y Gregorio Nacianceno   141 KB   
In the Academy of Athens, in the Fourth Century A.D., coincided Basilius of Cesarea and Gregory of Nazianzus, and possibly Jullian, the future emperor. Philosophy was studied and always was present the dialectic Paganism versus Christianity. The autor are also studied here the intellectual atmosphere and the relationships between professor and students.
Hermenegildo, ¿para siempre en Sevilla? Una nueva interpretación de IHC, n. 76 = ILCV, n. 50.   203 KB    
The authors try to analyze the different readings and interpretation of the Hermenegildus ´ inscription (it was found out in Alcalá de Guadaira, Seville) and they specially deal with the problem of its ten last letters (DVCTI AIONE), that have been misunderstood for a long time. This paper offers a new interpretation grounded on historical, archaelogical, palaeographic, epigraphic and linguistic arguments
La Colonia Iulia Genetiva Vrso en la literatura renacentista y barroca: un análisis historiográfico.   169 KB    
A series of literary works came up between the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 18th Century. In these papers Osuna was identified with the old Colonia Iulia Genetiva Vrso, the mentions made by some roman authors were also included, as well as the testimonies of the past, with the aim of reinforcing its prestige.
Los Reyes de Roma entre la leyenda y la historia   94 KB   (CREACIóN)  
Reflexiones en torno a la municipalización de Ávila. CIL II 3050: Entre San Segundo y Santa Barbada   147 KB   (CREACIóN)  
HERNANDO SOBRINO, María del Rosario
Sobre mujeres y, además, esclavas   109 KB   (CREACIóN)  
757.  Recensiones   494 KB     
891.  Bibliografía: Otras publicaciones recibidas en 2000   59 KB     

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