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Theoria Nº 65

Nombre de la Revista: Theoria
Número de Sumario: 65
Fecha de Publicación: 2009 / 2
Páginas: 128

Revista de  Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia

An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science

Editor: Andoni Ibarra             Más información / Texto completo (página oficial)

COEDICION:  Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua / Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco  y  Centro de Análisis, Lógica e Informática Jurídica (CALIJ)

Volume 24/2, Number 65, May 2009, pp. 129-256       ISSN 0495-4548



MONOGRAPHIC SECTION: Construction and Reduction: New Essays in Honour of Nelson Goodman
Guest Editor: Xavier DE DONATO-RODRÍGUEZ


UPV-EHU - Theoria, 2009, Vol 24/2, N° 65, 133
Xavier DE DONATO-RODRÍGUEZ (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela), "In-troduction"


UPV-EHU - Theoria, 2009, Vol 24/2, N° 65, 135-146.
Catherine Z. ELGIN (Harvard University), "Construction and Cognition".
The Structure of Appearance presents a phenomenalist system which constructs enduring visible ob-jects out of qualia. Nevertheless Goodman does not espouse phenomenalism. Why not? In answering this question this paper explicates Goodman's views about the nature and functions of constructional systems, the prospects of reductionism, and the character of epistemology.
Keywords: Nelson Goodman, Construction, reduction, phenomenalism, constructional systems.


UPV-EHU - Theoria, 2009, Vol 24/2, N° 65, 147-168.
Marcus ROSSBERG (University of Connecticut) and Daniel COHNITZ (University of Tartu), "Logical Consequence for Nominalists".
It is often claimed that nominalistic programmes to reconstruct mathematics fail, since they will at some point involve the notion of logical consequence which is unavailable to the nominalist. In this paper we use an idea of Goodman and Quine to develop a nominalistically acceptable explication of logical consequence.
Keywords: Philosophy of mathematics, nominalism, logical consequence, inferentialism, Nelson Goodman, W.V. Quine.


UPV-EHU - Theoria, 2009, Vol 24/2, N° 65, 169-202.
Karl-Georg NIEBERGALL (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin), "On 2nd Order Calculi of Individuals".
From early work of N. Goodman to recent approaches by H. Field and D. Lewis, there have been attempts to combine 2nd order languages with calculi of individuáis. This paper is a contribution, containing basic definitions and distinctions and some metatheorems, to the development of a general metatheory of such theories.
Keywords: nominalism, mereology, calculus of individuals, 2nd order logic, Goodman, Lewis, Field.


UPV-EHU - Theoria, 2009, Vol 24/2, N° 65, 203-211.
Marek POLANSKI (LMU München), "Goodman's Extensional Isomorphism and Syntactical Interpretations".
The aim of the present paper is to provide a model-thcoretic explication of Goodman's concept of extensional isomorphism. After some conceptual clarifications Goodman's concept of isomorphy turns out to be closely related to some variant of set-theoretic definability and some variants of syntactical interpretability.
Keywords: Goodman, extensional isomorphism, syntactical interpretations, model theory.


UPV-EHU - Theoria, 2009, Vol 24/2, N° 65, 213-225.
Xavier DE DONATO-RODRÍGUEZ (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela), "Construction and Worldmaking: the Significance of Nelson Goodman's Pluralism".

In the present paper, 1 try to defcnd a coherent interpretation of Goodman's relativism by re-sponding to the main objecrions of the critics. 1 also discuss the significance of bis pluralism by relating it to the notion of constructíon. This will show the relevance of Goodman's philosophy for the present days.
Keywords: Nelson Goodman, relativism, pluralism, worldmaking, constructívism, irrealism.


UPV-EHU - Theoria, 2009, Vol 24/2, N° 65, 229-247.
Luis Carlos MEDINA (Universidad del País Vasco), "Evolution Nodes in Newtonian Supertasks".
The present arricie providcs an analysis of the instants of a system that performs a Newtonian supertask. For each instant it studied the possibility of the system having, from the instant in question, more than one possible course of evolution. This analysis shows that some supertasks presented as deterministic by Pérez Laraudogoitia are in fact indeterministic and specifics the difficulties ahead in showing the radical indetcrministn suggested by Atkinson and Johnson.
Descriptores: critical instant, evolution node, failure of energy conservation, indeterminism, Newtonian Mechanics, supertasks.


UPV-EHU - Theoria, 2009, Vol 24/2, N° 65, 251-252.
D. E. Rowe & R. Schulmann (2007): Einstein on Politics. His Private Thoughts and Public Stand on Nationalism, Zionism, War, Peace, and the Bomb, (C. ORTIZ DE LANDÁZURI)


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