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Theoria Nº 56

Nombre de la Revista: Theoria
Número de Sumario: 56
Fecha de Publicación: 2006


Revista de teoría, historia y fundamentos de la ciencia.

An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science

Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua/Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco.

Vol. 21/2, Nº 56, 2006 (Mayo), pp. 121-240


SECCIÓN MONOGRÁFICA: Knowledge, Memory and Perception

Guest Editors: Tobies GRIMALTOS and Carlos MOYA

Tobies GRIMALTOS (University of Valencia) and Carlos MOYA (University of Valencia), "Presentation", Theoria, 2006, Vol. 21/2, N° 56, 125-132.

Olga FERNÁNDEZ PRAT (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona), "Particularity and Reflexivity in the Intentional Content of Perception", Theoria, 2006, Vol. 21/2, N° 56, 133-145.

A significant part of perception is characterized by awareness of particular objects. Two ways of making precise this intuition have been proposed (Searle vs. Evans, Campbell and others). The dispute's argumentative context is reconstructed and a proposal is ad-vanced that may be regarded as a compromise between the contenders.
Keywords: intentionality, perceptual content, perceptual attention.

Jordi FERNÁNDEZ (Macquarie University, Sydney), "Memory and Perception: Remembering Snowflake", Theoria, 2006, Vol. 21/2, N° 56, 147-164.

Memories have the power to elicit certain beliefs in us. These are beliefs about time and beliefs about perception. The aim of this paper is to propose a notion of mnemonic content that can account for the rationality of forming those beliefs on the basis of our memories.
Keywords: memory, perception, time, intentionality.

Manuel LIZ (Universidad de La Laguna), "Camouflaged Physical Objects: The Intentionality of Perception", Theoria, 2006, Vol. 21/2, N° 56, 165-184.

The notion of "camouflage" offers a new way to articúlate some central ideas of direct realism. Through a certain natural history, physical objects would be able to adopt as a "second skin" the qualitative appearances they have when they are perceived. This en-tails the rejectíon of the "things-having-effects-on-us" model for perception. The physical objects themselves would be crucially involved in the constitution of the intentionality of perception.
Keywords: "camouflage", direct realism, intencionality, perception.

Murali RAMACHANDRAN (University of Sussex), "How Believing Can Fail to Be Knowing", Theoria, 2006, Vol. 21/2, N° 56, 185-194.

This paper puts forward necessary and suffficient conditions for knowing, and ad-dresses Timothy Williamson's claims (a) that knowledge is an un-analyzable mental state, and (b) that any such analysis is futile. It is argued that such an account has ex-planatory motivation: it explains when belief fails to be knowledge.
Keywords: knowledge, externalism, closure principie, Williamson.


Robert HUDSON (University of Saskatchewan), "The Relevance of History to Philosophy of Science", Theoria, 2006, Vol. 21/2, N° 56, 197-212.

I argüe for the possibility of historicized philosophy of science, and then respond to three criticisms of view: 1) history of science provides too few case examples to be use-ful to philosophy, 2) philosophy based on history is próne to reflexive inconsistency and 3) history of science exhibits an incoherent flux of methods.
Keywords: historicized philosophy of science, induction, reflexivity, flux, methodology, evidence, Joseph Pitt, Nicolás Rasmussen.

Manuel PÉREZ OTERO (Universidad de Barcelona), "Aspectos particularistas en el discurso modal" (Particularist traits in modal discourse), Theoria, 2006, Vol. 21/2, N° 56, 213-232.

Según el particularismo semántico modal la función referencia! de los términos singulares —también cuando aparecen en enunciados modales— es irreducible mediante funciones descriptivas y lógicas. Kripke es quien ha defendido vigorosamente esa tesis; elucidamos en ese sentido su rechazo a cierta interpretación metafórica de los mundos posibles como lugares lejanos vistos con telescopios.
Descriptores: referencia directa, Kripke, descriptivismo, mundos posibles, estipular, particular, observación.


Espinoza, Miguel, y Torretti, Roberto (2004): Pensar la ciencia, fistudios críticos sobre obras filosóficas (1950-2000), (Lucía LEWOWICZ), Theoria, 2006, Vol. 21/2, N° 56, 235-236.

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